Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daily Double 3/22/11 - Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us


Send me an email answering the following questions using complete sentences, rephrase the question in your answer. For example for question 1, your answer should read: "To duplicate an item in Photoshop you..."

For the past two weeks we have been working with Photoshop and have learned some basic techniques used in your daily work with the program. The following questions are in relation to your work with Photoshop:

1. How do you duplicate an item?

2. What are the various tools used to "move" an item?(give me a minimum of 3)

3. What do you currently know about using "layers" in your work? (we will cover this today, if you have no experience working with layers that is okay)

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