Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily Double 3/18/11 -

In yesterday's lesson Mrs. Clark discussed how Basic Photo Corrections in Photo Shop are performed. Based on yesterday's lesson, send me a an email answering the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What does the Crop tool do? How do you use it?

2. What tools can you use to remove blemishes in an image?

Here is some information about Basic Photo Corrections that may help answer these questions:

Adobe Photoshop provides a comprehensive set of color-correction tools for adjusting the color and tone of individual images. You can, for example, correct problems in color quality and tonal range created when a photograph was shot or an image was scanned, and you can correct problems in composition and sharpen the overall focus of the image.

You'll use the Crop tool to trim and scale the photograph to size so that fits the space designed for it. You can use either the Crop tool or the Crop command to crop an image. Both methods permanently delete all pixels outside the crop selection area.

The Spot Healing Brush tool quickly removes blemishes and other imperfections from photos. It works similarly to the Heading Brush tool: it paints with sampled pixels from an image or a pattern and matches the texture, lighting, transparency, and shading of the sampled pixels to the pixels being healed.

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