Friday, April 29, 2011

Daily Double 4/29/11 -

Directions: Please answer the three questions below using complete sentences in an email to me.

In yesterday's lesson we created a newsletter in Microsoft Word. We learned how to create a table, insert and delete rows and columns in our table, how to format our table, add clip art, insert footnotes and endnotes, how to create an automatic bibliography in MLA format, add borders and shading to our document, and how to apply a theme.

1. What was your favorite new application you learned yesterday and why?

2. When you insert clip art it is found in the:
      a. Clip Gallery
      b. Clip Art Task Pane
      c. Images Folder
      d. Data Files Folder

3. We also used themes that Microsoft Word had preset, can you create and save your own theme?

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