Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daily Double 5/31/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Dangers of Social Networking Sites


Read the following article and write a paper in Microsoft Word (at least 1 full page in length, double spaced, 12 pt. font) on the dangers of Social Networking Sites. 

In your paper explain if you have an account to social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc), and if you have experienced any of the dangers that they can create. Also, explain if you have heard of someone who has had a negative experience and if you think it is worth the risk to keep your accounts active? Also explain what you think you may be able to do be proactive in protecting yourself on social networking sites (protecting your privacy, information, and content) and if you think these dangers will continue to get worse or improve in the future? 

Please print your paper (4th printer down in the options) and turn into Mr. Schrauben when you are complete. Thank you! 

Social networking is everywhere. It is common to find parents, children, coworkers and even the elderly on the networks across the social media world on sites such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. With social networks people across the world have access to tools and options that were previously non-existent. However, there are just as many new opportunities to connect as there are to get into potential danger. Social networking has opened up many new doorways for cyber-crime, and with all the people on social networks who are completely new to technology, it is more important than ever to make sure people are aware of the risks.

Children – Children under the age of 13 should not be using the internet without some form of parental supervision. Most social network web sites have a minimum age limit so that young children cannot make profiles. However, it is easy to fool these systems. Make sure they are not entering too much private data, such as their home address or what school they go to. Just as it is simple for a young child to fake their age online, it is easy for a potential predator to fake a profile claiming to have the same interests as, and be the same age as, your child.

Phishing / Scams – There are a number of scammers on social networks who may try to steal or use your personal information; Information that can be used for potential crime such as identity theft or fraud. There are also websites that are set up to appear to look like your favorite social networks in order to steal your password. Once someone has your password they can use it to destroy your profile or send out spam messages and viruses, which could do irreparable damage to your online reputation. Always make sure you are at the right site when you enter your credentials. You can do this by double checking the address bar and making sure you are in the right place before you log in. Never will log-in sites ask you to send them your password. If you receive a message or email requesting your send them your password do not reply and forward the message to the network’s support or privacy department.

Privacy – One reason that many people are wary of uploading their photos or videos to a social networking site like Facebook is because they are concerned about retaining the copyright to their work. There is a major gray area as to who would own the materials that we upload. Someone who might be concerned about this might be a professional photographer or a musician who might want to share their work. Uploading photographs or music is a great way to get a lot of potential friends to notice it, but you might want to think about whether the network could end up owning this material. Another controversy with Facebook is that it could be sharing your private information with third party companies. This is why you are shown a privacy statement when you install an application. The providers of these applications are third party companies and websites who could be able to access your private information such as your address or phone number.

Employment – One thing we often forget while having fun on social networks is that almost anybody can see what we are doing. While we are tagging photos of what we did on the weekends or using social networks on company time it can be easy to forget that someone at work may see this and the result could cost you your job.

Businesses – Businesses have found a new place to market and brand themselves in social media sites. Having a medium available to connect with customers in a non formal way creates loyalty and awareness but could leave a company vulnerable to hackers and hecklers feeling the squeeze on your new found success. A social site provides information on what your company is doing and offers a platform to generate spiteful negative comments that could hurt the reputation of your business. These attacks could be controlled withreputation management and social media marketing strategies.

Social networks can be used to make friends, find romance or even to market yourself or your business. The important thing is to remember that these sites can also be misused and we need to take care of our privacy and reputation. Think twice about the way you use social networks.
My point: Be acutely aware of the hazards of Social Networks. Always remember what is possible online. As with most things in life there are opportunities and there are risks; however eliminate needless risk. There is never a need to share private confidential information online. Use social networks to share and promote ideas. Be a giver but don’t give what you wouldn’t want just anyone seeing in public just by looking over your shoulder or seeing into your home or bedroom.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daily Double 5/25/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Money Rushes Into Social Start-Ups
The Wall Street Journal 


Please read the following article and answer the following questions in an email to me using complete sentences. 

1. How much money did Color Labs secure in investments from venture capitalists? What is Facebook currently valued at based on investors valuation? 

2. Do you think "Color" will be successful business? Why or why not? Would you use it? 

3. What is something you learned from yesterday's guest speakers? 

As Wall Street and other investors clamor for a piece of social-networking giant Facebook Inc., Silicon Valley venture capitalists are betting on a new generation of companies that hope to unshackle social networking from personal computers—and shift it to the cellphone.

On Thursday, Color Labs Inc., a phone-based social network founded by veteran entrepreneur Bill Nguyen, is opening its doors. The Palo Alto, Calif., start-up recently secured $41 million from top venture-capital firms including Sequoia Capital even before the company's iPhone and Android apps were ready to debut.

The idea behind Color is that a phone's location-sensing abilities can build a user's social network for them, allowing users to share photos, video and messages based simply on the people they're physically near. The company's view on privacy is that everything in the service is public—allowing users who don't yet know each other to peer into each other's lives.

Color is just one of a growing number of social start-ups betting on smartphones that are now attracting a venture-funding rush. Many of the companies feature photo taking and sharing at their core, such as Path Inc., founded by former Facebook executive Dave Morin. It received $8.5 million last month from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Index Ventures. It has also had conversations with Google Inc. about a buyout, according to a person briefed on the discussions. Google declined to comment.

"We would have people show up at our offices every other day wanting to meet while we were trying to get work done," said Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom. Since launching in October, the service has nearly three million users, he said.

The flood of venture capital into mobile social start-ups is the latest sign of Silicon Valley's Web-fueled boom. In recent months, investors have driven up the valuation of Facebook above $60 billion and social-gaming company Zynga Inc. to $10 billion.
Behind the spurt of new services is also the idea that the phone, carried by people at all times, can reinvent the notion of a social network by sharing more real-time information about where people are, what they're seeing and even who they're around.
The phone "provides a platform for developers to build experiences that are more personal in nature," said Path's Mr. Morin. What's different now is the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets. "Now you have an opportunity to create these experiences at scale," he said.

In both deals, the purchase price wasn't disclosed.
Last year, Facebook also unveiled a check-in service for its phone apps that allow users to volunteer their location to friends, and also find deals from nearby businesses. The company is now at work on efforts to integrate its capabilities deep into phone operating systems, potentially expanding the sorts of things people can do with their Facebook friends on the go.

Unlike Facebook, Color eliminates the acts of "friending" and selecting privacy settings. That's because when it is turned on, Color collects global positioning, gyroscope, ambient lighting and other data from phones to determine who else is in close proximity.
That means users will temporarily join the group of people at a birthday party or rock concert—even strangers on a train. Phones running the Color app automatically share photos and videos taken with other phones running Color nearby. "Instead of seeing your friends online alone in front of a PC, we allow people to interact with each other in real life," said Mr. Nguyen, who previously founded online music start-up LaLa, which was acquired by Apple Inc. in 2009, among other companies.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Double 5/23/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Tomorrow we will be having guest speakers coming in from Liquid Web Inc, Fifth Third Bank, and the Shining A Light Organization, with the aid of the internet please send me two excellent questions that you could ask our speakers during a question and answer session.

Thank you. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily Double 5/11/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Directions: During today's presentation, answer the following questions in an email to me using complete sentences.


1. What are the 5 principles of an effective logo?

2. What are the 5 principles of an effective slogan?

3. How is your project/group work going so far? Please share with me something positive or negative about your project so far.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily Double 5/9/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

The Social Style Matrix

Directions: After today's presentation and discussion on The Social Style Matrix answer the following questions in an email to me using complete sentences. 

1. Why is the Social Style Matrix a useful tool when working with people? 

2. What is your "base" communication style? Explain how you would adapt your communication approach to be effective when working with someone who has a different "base" style, explain what style they have and what things you would do to adapt to their preferred style. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Double 5/5/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Business Management and Administration (BMA) Test Strategies


Spend the first 10 minutes doing an online search for what you think is a helpful testing strategy or tip. Be prepared to share it with the class. 

After todays discussion answer the following questions in an email to me using complete sentences:

1. What does each letter of Mr. Schrauben's S.M.A.R.T. Testing Strategy stand for?

2. What helpful tip or strategy did you hear today from Mr. Schrauben or your classmates that you will incorporate in your future test taking process? 

Thank you! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Double 5/4/11- Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Directions: Please answer the three Microsoft Word review questions below in an email to me using complete sentences.

Example: If the answer to question #1 is B. Your complete sentence should be structured like this:

"A file that contains predesigned formatting, text, and tools for creating common business documents is called a Template." (This is how you answer questions on standardized tests and college exams.)


1. A file that contains predesigned formatting, text, and tools for creating common business documents is called a:

A. Thumbnail
B. Template
C. Report
D. Wizard

2. The Header and Footer option can be found under which option in the menu bar? 

A. File
B. Edit
C. View
D. Insert

3. A data source for a mail merge document can be from a pre-made __________. 

A. PowerPoint File
B. Excel File
C. Graphic File
D. None of these

Friday, April 29, 2011

Daily Double 4/29/11 - Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Directions: Please answer the three questions below using complete sentences in an email to me.

In yesterday's lesson we created a newsletter in Microsoft Word. We learned how to create a table, insert and delete rows and columns in our table, how to format our table, add clip art, insert footnotes and endnotes, how to create an automatic bibliography in MLA format, add borders and shading to our document, and how to apply a theme.

1. What was your favorite new application you learned yesterday and why?

2. When you insert clip art it is found in the:
      a. Clip Gallery
      b. Clip Art Task Pane
      c. Images Folder
      d. Data Files Folder

3. We also used themes that Microsoft Word had preset, can you create and save your own theme?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Double 4/20/11 - Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

Today we will have a work day to complete our "My Career" web page.

No email to me is necessary. Immediately start working on your web pages.

Feel free to email any questions that you have about creating tables in html, I would be more than happy to help address any topics for you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Double 4/19/11 - Schraubenl@glps.k12.mi.us

HTML Table Basics! 

Directions: Read the following article and send me an email answering the following questions. 

1. True or False: The table, row and cell tags all have cancel tags.

2. True or False: To create each row within a table you would first use the row tag <tr> to start a row  then the cell tag <td> to edit the content of each cell within the row. 

I. Introduction

You may want to consider using HTML tables in your website. In addition to creating HTML tables to present data in rows and columns, you can also create HTML tables to organize information on your web page. 
The process of creating an HTML table is similar to the process that you used to create your web page and any elements that you may have already included in your pages. Coding HTML tables into your web page is fairly easy since you need only understand a few basic table codes.

II. Creating a basic table

The basic structure of an HTML table consists of the following tags:
  • Table tags:  <TABLE> </TABLE>
  • Row tags:   <TR> </TR> 
  • Cell tags:    <TD> </TD>
Constructing an HTML table consists of describing the table between the beginning table tag, <TABLE>, and the ending table table tag,</TABLE>. Between these tags, you then construct each row and each cell in the row. To do this, you would first start the row with the beginning row tag, <TR>, and then build the row by creating each cell with the beginning cell tag, <TD>, adding the data for that cell, and then closing the cell with the ending cell tag, </TD>. When you finish all of the cells for a row, you would then close the row with the ending row tag, </TR>.Then, for each new row, you would repeat the process of beginning the row, building each cell in the row, and closing the row.
The following table is an example of a basic table with three rows and two columns of data. 
    Data 1Data 2
    Data 3Data 4
    Data 5Data 6
The codes that generated this table look like this:
    <TABLE>    <TR>       <TD>Data 1</TD>       <TD>Data 2</TD>    </TR>    <TR>       <TD>Data 3</TD>       <TD>Data 4</TD>    </TR>    <TR>       <TD>Data 5</TD>       <TD>Data 6</TD>    </TR> </TABLE>
This table contains no border, title, or headings.  If you wish to add any of these elements to your table, you need to include additional HTML codes.